Welcome to the Kvarken Council’s pressroom where we list our latest press releases. Here you will also find our media contacts for journalists or media representatives.
Our latest
Press releases
Bothnian Coastal Route Initiates Collaboration with Best of Scandinavia – A New Tour launched at the Matka Travel Fair
Bothnian Coastal Route project proudly presents its latest collaboration with the Umeå-based company Best of Scandinavia. The partnership introduces a tailored and customizable tour around the Bothnian Bay and across the Kvarken strait as part of Best of Scandinavia’s offerings.
To press releaseKvarken Council EGTC Establishes a Working Committee for Culture and Education
Region Västernorrland has taken the initiative to establish a working committee for education and culture within the Kvarken Council EGTC. Working committees with specific focus areas can be formed under the Kvarken Council’s Board.
To press releaseKvarkenrådet EGTS & Finsk-svenska handelskammaren: Nordiska frågor väcker stort intresse under Wasa Future Festival
Torsdagen under Wasa Future Festival bjuder på nordiska frågor med flera olika teman. Kvarkenrådet och Finsk-svenska handelskammaren samlar över 150 deltagare kring teman som “Tillväxt och trygghet för Norden” och “Shaping tomorrow in the Nordic Countries”.
To press releaseThe FAIR 2 Partnership Receives Comprehensive Findings of a Sustainable Aviation Study
Last week, the FAIR 2 partnership received a study on sustainable aviation in the Northern Nordics. This study reveals crucial insights into regional travel patterns and the future of sustainable aviation.
To press releaseKvarken Council EGTC Establishes a Working Committee for Energy
A working committee for energy was established in connection to the Kvarken Council EGTC’s Annual General Meeting in Kokkola, Finland, on May 23–24. Working committees with specific focus areas can be formed under the Kvarken Council’s Board, and the working committee for energy became the second group to be established.
To press releaseStrand and Skinnari Reinforced the Voice of the Regions at Järnvägsforum Norr 2024
Members of Finnish Parliament Joakim Strand (RKP) and Ville Skinnari (SDP) actively participated in the Järnvägsforum Norr (Railway Forum North) 2024 conference held in Sundsvall, Sweden, on April 18–19.
To press releaseThe Bothnian Coastal Route Project Debuts at the Largest Travel Trade Event in Northern Europe
In 2024, the Interreg Aurora funded project Bothnian Coastal Route, encompassing 13 destinations around the Bothnian Bay and over the Kvarken strait, will participate at 8–10 key European marketing events targeting tour operators. The first is the Matka Workshop Day in Helsinki in January.
To press releaseFuture of the Nordic Region in NATO
Both Jens Stoltenberg and the Norwegian Defense Commission emphasize the need for improved east-west transport routes in the Nordic countries. We believe it’s important to include a Nordic perspective in the debate on national transport plans.
To press releaseGood News for Cooperation in the Kvarken Region – The Finnish Government Programme contains several positive signals for the Kvarken Council and partners
The new Finnish Government, which consists of the National Coalition Party, the Finns Party, the Swedish People’s Party of Finland, and the Christian Democrats, presented a comprehensive Government Programme on Friday. The programme for 2023–2027, titled “A Strong and Committed Finland”, is 259 pages long and delivers many positive entries that clearly concern the Kvarken region and Nordic cooperation.
To press releaseKvarken Council EGTC with its Partners Receive Funding for Two New Projects
The EU programme Interreg Aurora has granted funding for two new projects, FAIR 2 and New North. The projects focus on sustainable aviation, among other things.
To press releaseKvarken Council’s First Strategy as a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation
Members of the Kvarken Council EGTC approved a new and thoroughly revised strategy for Kvarken cooperation for 2030 in the grouping’s annual general meeting on May 26th, 2023.
To press releaseWorkshop on cross-border cooperation in the Nordic Battery Belt
As a part of the Nordic Battery Belt – Feasibility study, a workshop was held in Umeå to lay the foundation for continued cross-border cooperation in the Nordic Battery Belt region.
To press releaseInnovations, Sustainable Energy Solutions, and Cross-Border Cooperation in the New Bothnia Green Energy Project
The three-year long Interreg Aurora project Bothnia Green Energy was launched at the turn of the year. The project will stimulate cross-border collaboration and investments in sustainable energy solutions in the geographical area around the Kvarken. The region’s energy companies participate in the project.
To press releaseNew cross-border cooperation will boost the coastal route around the Bothnian Bay and over the Kvarken strait – Coastal experiences all year round, with sustainability in focus
The Bothnian Coastal Route project aims to increase awareness of the coastal route over the Kvarken strait and around the Bothnian Bay as an attractive travel route for both foreign visitors and the local population. Through the project, the partners aim to increase the reasons for visiting the destinations along the route to discover their rich product range and create better conditions for sustainable growth. The partnership received the news of granted funding for the new tourism project with great joy.
To press releaseFirst Interreg Aurora projects approved – Kvarken Council with its partners received funding for three new projects
The new Interreg Aurora Programme has approved the first projects in the funding period 2021–2027. The two Steering Committees, for sub-area Sápmi and sub-area Aurora have met on 22nd–23rd of November in Luleå to decide on new cross-border cooperation projects in the northernmost part of Europe and Sápmi. The Steering Committees approved 27 projects in the first call, more than 21 million euro was allocated.
To press releaseReport: Looks at successful experiences from the ferry sector as electric flights are gradually introduced in Norway
A new report from researchers at the School of Business at Nord University has investigated how the Norwegian ferry sector has been electrified and what the aviation sector can learn from the ferry sector.
To press releaseThe FAIR project has mapped out what it takes to become an early implementor of electric aviation
The electric aviation project FAIR is on the finish line – the final conference is ongoing and the final report, which describes how the region should proceed to enable electrified regional aviation, can now be read in its entirety.
To press releaseThe ports and local supply chains need to be developed to meet future needs
The ongoing development within the battery industry in northern Finland, Sweden and Norway has become a central part of regional development in recent years. Several new production facilities in various parts of the battery value chain are established, not the least in the cities of Vaasa, Kokkola, Skellefteå and Mo i Rana – the Nordic battery belt. The emerging battery industry brings demand for green energy and a skilled workforce, but it will also require cost-effective and sustainable transport.
To press releasePress release – The Region Readies Itself for Electric Aviation
- Measures must be taken today for the future
To press releaseAnnual meeting and new members!
The number of members and the interest in membership has increased during the Kvarken Councils first operating year as an EGTC.
To press releaseKvarkenfest publicerar fem nya artister – One Desire Philharmonic Rock Orchestra på Elisa Stadion i Vasa 18.6.2022
Kvarkenfest 18.6.2022 har tidigare publicerat huvudartisterna Tove Styrke (swe), BESS (fi), Lisa Miskovsky (swe), Elonkerjuu (fi) och KAJ (fi). Nu kompletteras artistlistan med One Desire Philharmonic Rock Orchestra. Samtidigt publiceras att sammansättningen Kvarken Allstars kompletteras med Johan Becker, Malin Jonsson och Fredrik Furu. Även DJ FANNY annonseras som underhållare under Kvarkenfest på Elisa Stadion.
To press releaseTove Styrke, BESS, Lisa Miskovsky, and Elonkerjuu will perform at Kvarkenfest
The pop queen from Umeå Tove Styrke, the Melodifestivalen participant Lisa Miskovsky, the UMK participant BESS, and Elonkerjuu, the pride of the Finnish speaking Ostrobothnia, are few of the new artist reveals that will perform at Kvarkenfest on Saturday 18th of June 2022 at Elisa Stadion in Vaasa. The humour group KAJ, the first Swedish Idol winner Daniel Lindström, and the first Ostrobothnian the Voice of Finland winner Antti Railio, have been released earlier as artists that will perform at the festival.
To press releaseKvarken Council Reinforced By New Recruits in Umeå and Vaasa
We welcome both Ida-Maria and Veronica into our working community and rejoice over new forms of cooperation with Föreningen Norden Västerbotten!
To press releaseRun to the Festival!
Kvarken Council celebrates its 50th anniversary 2022, which is why the Kvarken Council EGTC plans to mark the event with a grand Kvarkenfest at Elisa Stadion in Vaasa.
To press releaseStaden Kurikka presenterar sig för Kvarkenrådet EGTS styrelse
Kurikka stad vill vara en engagerad aktör som är med och utvecklar Kvarkenregionen
To press releaseKvarken Council to Participate in Wasa Future Festival 11–14 August!
The Kvarken Council will answer for an event package on Saturday 14 August, 10.30–14.15, at Wasa Future Festival
To press releaseThe future of electric aviation in the Kvarken region
The report, Electric regional aviation – a fast and clean transport mode for the needs of Kvarken region, from WSP has been published
To press releaseKvarken Council EGTC Elected New Chairmen
The Kvarken Council EGTC's first annual general meeting was held at the end of May 2021. The annual general meeting discussed statutory matters and elected a Chairman and Deputy Chairmen. The presidium was expanded from the Kvarken Council's association times from two to four: one Chairman and three Deputy Chairmen.
To press releaseFunding for Two New, Important Projects for the Whole Kvarken Region
Spearheaded by the Kvarken Council, the Kvarken region has received funding for two important projects that are extremely topical due to recent news.
To press releaseKvarken Council has become the first fully Nordic EGTC area
The establishment of the Kvarken Council European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) is now published in The Official Journal of the European Union. At the same time the process from a registered association to the Kvarken Council EGTC, a stable legal entity, is over the finish line!
To press releaseFinnish and Swedish Governments Approve the Establishment of the Kvarken Council EGTC
Finland and Sweden have officially approved the establishment of the Kvarken Council EGTC, a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation. The Council’s objective is to develop cross-border cooperation and improve competitiveness in the Kvarken region, i.e. in the northern part of the Baltic Sea.
To press releaseNew Structure for the Kvarken Council – and Greater Influence
A historical decision was made in the spring of 2018 to transform the Kvarken Council from a registered association into the Kvarken Council EGTC. EGTC stands for European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, which is the European Union’s own legal instrument specifically designed for cross-border cooperation.
To press releaseVisionen om fast förbindelse över Kvarken lever
Kvarkenrådet har under många år jobbat operativt med att integrera Kvarkenregionen inom alla sektorer. För att det skall lyckas krävs fungerande förbindelser.
To press releaseFAIR – Kvarken region’s new flagship project secured EU funding
Actors in the Kvarken region have been granted funding for a major development project regarding electric aviation – FAIR, Finding Innovations to Accelerate Implementation of Electric Regional Aviation. The funding was granted via the Interreg Botnia-Atlantica programme.
To press releasePress Release on Future INTERREG Programmes in the Nordic Countries
The cross-border cooperation body Kvarken Council held its Board meeting in Vaasa, Finland, on 17 February 2020. The Kvarken Council is an official cross-border operator funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and it consists of Region Västerbotten and Örnsköldsvik Municipality in Sweden as well as three Regional Councils of Ostrobothnia and the cities of Vaasa, Seinäjoki, Kokkola and Jakobstad in Finland.
To press releaseIntensiva diskussioner om modell för långsiktigt, gränsöverskridande samarbete i framtiden
Den 25–26 oktober samlades ett sextiotal norska, svenska och finländska politiker, tjänstemän och näringslivsrepresentanter från kommuner längs E12-korridoren, för att delta i Nordligt Forums två dagars workshop i Vasa.
To press releaseLivlig diskussion om ny samverkansform redan första dagen
Nordligt Forums första workshopdag är över. Diskussionen mellan finländska, svenska och norska politiker, tjänstemän och sakkunniga som verkar längs E12-stråket var livlig.
To press releaseWorld Heritage Tastes Good
In the autumn, food enthusiasts will have the chance to experience unique tastes from the World Heritage Site onboard the Wasaline ferry. Michael Björklund, an award-winning chef, has been chosen to create a four-course World Heritage Menu, served onboard the Wasaline ferry in the autumn.
To press releaseFlags Raised in Celebration of Cross-Border Collaboration
Today, the Kvarken Council proudly raised Finland and Sweden’s flags outside the Council’s office in Pukinkulma, Vaasa.
To press releaseMaterial bank
Our material bank houses the Kvarken Council’s collected materials in the form of high-resolution images, annual reports, newsletters, and graphic guidelines