Kvarken Council’s Board
and Members

Kvarken Council EGTC’s Board


Ordinary Members
-, City of Vaasa
Mats Brandt, The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia
Mikko Savola, The Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia
Stina Mattila, City of Kokkola
Hannemari Niemi, City of Seinäjoki
Jyrki Kaiponen, The Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia
Anna-Kaisa Pusa, City of Kurikka, Deputy Chairman
Christoffer Ingo, Korsholm Municipality
Peter Boström, City of Jakobstad

Tomas Häyry
Steven Frostdahl
Heli Seppelvirta
Jonne Sandberg
Jaakko Kiiskilä
Margita Lukkarinen
Olavi Kandolin
Rurik Ahlberg
Milla Kallioinen


Ordinary members
Rickard Carstedt, Region Västerbotten, Chairman
Lilly Bäcklund, Region Västerbotten
Bore Sköld, Region Västerbotten
Åsa Ågren Wikström, Region Västerbotten, Deputy Chairman
Mattias Larsson, Region Västerbotten
Anna-Britta Åkerlind, Örnsköldsvik Municipality
Hans Lindberg, Umeå Municipality
Tomas Mörtsell, Storumans Municipality
Roland Sjögren, Lycksele Municipality
Evelina Fahlesson, Skellefteån Municipality
Jonny Lundin, Region Västernorrland
Mattias Rösberg, Region Västernorrland

Anna Frej
Mikael Abrahamsson
Ylva Hedlund-Hedqvist
Per Boström
Meta Tunell
Carolina Sondell
Elmer Eriksson
Karin Malmfjord
Lars Olsson
Andreas Löwenhöök
Sara Nylund
Dan Rasmusson




Kvarken Council EGTC’s main members with a board seat
Region Västerbotten
Umeå Municipality
Örnsköldsvik Municipality
The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia
The Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia
The Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia
City of Vaasa
City of Kokkola
City of Seinäjoki
City of Jakobstad
City of Kurikka 
Korsholm Municipality
Storuman Municipality
Lycksele Municipality
Skellefteå Municipality
Region Västernorrland


Other municipality members
Vindeln Municipality
City of Nykarleby
City of Närpes
Nordmaling Municipality
Vännäs Municipality
Larsmo Municipality
Kronoby Municipality
Sundsvall Municipality
Robertsfors Municipality
City of Kauhava
Lappajärvi Municipality

Organisation members
Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK
VAMK University of Applied Sciences
University of Vaasa
Jakobstad Region Development Company Concordia
Into Seinäjoki
Kristinestads näringslivscentral / Kristiinankaupungin elinkeinokeskus
Hanken School of Economics
Umeå University
Mid Sweden University
Novia University of Applied Sciences
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
Åbo Akademi University

Kvarken Council EGTC’s working committees


The Kvarken Council’s board can appoint necessary committees within the framework of the Kvarken Council’s activities. The working committees must, within their respective work areas, be responsible for the preparatory work that the Kvarken Council’s board needs. The chairman and vice-chairman of the committees are appointed by the board.

The working committees carry out concrete activities and initiatives that contribute to regional development. Their work ensures that collaboration continues even when there are no active projects bringing the stakeholders together. Establishing working committees is a concrete example of how we implement our organisation form, the EGTC. These working methods strengths are a strong commitment from the board in the everyday work, as well as the fact that you can invite private actors and non-members to participate in the working committees.

Working committee for traffic and infrastructure

Chairman: Hans Lindberg, Umeå Municipality
Deputy Chairman: Anna-Kaisa Pusa, City of Kurikka
Contact person at Kvarken Council: Development Manager Veronica Berg

Working committee for energy

Chairman: Stina Mattila, City of Kokkola
Deputy Chairman: Rickard Carstedt, Region Västerbotten
Contact person at Kvarken Council: Growth Manager Sarah Väre

Working committee for culture and education

Chairman: Jonny Lundin, Region Västernorrland
Deputy Chairman: Anna-Kaisa Pusa, City of Kurikka
Contact person at Kvarken Council: Development Manager Veronica Berg


Contact persons